Ben Gebo Photography
Since The Gourmet Prescription appeared in 1999, I’ve refined my strategies for healthy cooking, and I created A Doctor’s Kitchen to share those strategies along with unique recipes that employ them. I believe that it is possible to make almost any recipe healthier if you observe certain basic principles and master a few simple techniques. The special STRATEGY SESSIONS at the top of each post, combined with the ClickTips™ embedded in the recipes, are intended to provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to make any recipe healthier.
At least one new recipe will appear each week, and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about it. You may submit a question or comment via the Contact or Comment buttons and I’ll do my best to respond quickly.
Although A Doctor’s Kitchen is essentially a blog, it does offer the opportunity for participation. The Recipe Spa is an interactive space where you can submit conventional recipes for a healthy make-over, present recipes that you yourself have transformed, or follow my adventures and those of my side-kick, Georgie Fear, as we subject unhealthy food to analysis and treatment. If you’re an aspiring food photographer, you can submit photos as attachments to e-mails sent via any of the contact options. Finally, you can shop for special ingredients and equipment in the Store, and review them for the site.
It’s my pleasure to invite you into my kitchen. I hope you’ll enjoy every minute you spend here with me.
Deborah Chud, MD