
Every Monday, a new recipe will be featured on my Recipe of the Week blog. (The entire recipe archive is viewable here , and you can access protein or carbohydrate recipes separately by using the drop-down under the RECIPE button at the top of every page.) These recipes provide opportunities to see my approach in action and to test my ideas for yourself.  Each blog post is preceded by a STRATEGY SESSION, in which I highlight the methods used to maximize flavor and health. Wherever possible, I’ll provide links to multimedia demonstrations (see Strategies). If a particular intervention  involves specialized knowledge, but cannot be demonstrated, I’ll offer a link to relevant information.

Although many of my recipes are developed from scratch, I occasionally start out with a published recipe and then tweak it to make it healthier. When a post involves a transformation of that type, my adaptation will be preceded by a link to the original recipe so that credit may be given to the author. In addition, when I come across published recipes that complement one of my own dishes, I will provide the relevant links so that you can experiment with different pairings.  I apologize in advance for this tactic, but copyright law prevents me from uploading published recipes without the author’s permission.

I should probably say a word about starches and desserts. High-glycemic  carbohydrates (e.g. most traditional starches) never appear as the primary ingredient in any of my recipes. Once you buy into the concepts of glycemic index and glycemic load, it makes little sense to invest time and energy in foods that you only consume in small quantities. I’m happy to eat foccacia or nan in a restaurant where someone else contributes the labor, but—at home—I never eat enough of them to justify the effort. In addition, though I very often eat smoked salmon on a whole wheat bagel, I generally like my whole grains whole, not ground into flour.

With respect to desserts, I sincerely believe that the only healthy dessert is fresh fruit.  Even light desserts add serious calories to a meal (240 calories per average dessert serving in a recent issue of Cooking Light!) and they really pile on the glycemic load without adding nutritional value. Also, if I’m going to have dessert, I’d prefer the real thing (such as my artisanal ice creams) to a low-fat or low-calorie approximation. I simply find it more satisfying.

That’s certainly my view and I’m entitled to it; however, there are other perspectives. You may have a higher carbohydrate tolerance than I do; or you may not take fruit seriously as a dessert. If that’s the case, I have good news: Georgie Fear, a regular guest contributor, is your friend. A registered dietician, trainer, and talented cook, Georgie’s youth and amazing energy allow her to roam free in carbo-land, taming the inhabitants to make them less hazardous to your health.  She will guide you where I cannot.

Questions about recipes may be submitted via the Contact or Comment buttons and I will do my best to answer them.

Please note: The information and recipes offered on this website should never be relied upon as a basis for medical decisions. If you have any concerns or doubts about the possibility of an adverse reaction to any ingredient or combination of ingredients, you should consult your personal physician. If you have a known allergy to any food, you should avoid any recipe that contains it or make appropriate substitutions approved by your physician.