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I consider myself a healthy food strategist, rather than a diet doctor or nutrition guru. With the goal of preserving flavor ever in mind, I employ various strategies for reducing fat and calories, improving the nutritional profile of the fats in every dish, and moderating glycemic load.

At the top of each post, you'll find a STRATEGY SESSION in which I present the thinking behind the recipe. Although I encourage you to try the dishes that appear in my Recipe of the Week blog (and I hope you enjoy them), the goal of this website is to teach you how to approach the healthy transformation of any recipe that you read. My hope is that you'll internalize the mental process so that you'll be able to reduce fat and calories, upgrade fat composition, and moderate glycemic load whenever you cook whatever you cook.

That's why the centerpiece of this site is a comprehensive list of strategies and techniques I routinely use to make recipes healthier. Below, you'll find videos and voice threads describing how to use these strategies in your own cooking. Once you do, you can post your transformed recipes in the Recipe Spa and get feedback from me and the community.

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